First of all, thank you for choosing us to submit your manuscript to IJIAPE. The instructions given below include the manuscript writing rules, peer-reveiw process and the prerequisites of the journal. Please read this article carefully before submitting your manuscript. In this way, you will ensure that your manuscript complies with the requirements of the journal and all the related processes will be faster.
The International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education (IJIAPE) is a peer reviewed journal that publishes research on scientific principles in the field of education research. IJIAPE aims to give priority to studies that bring an innovative perspective on current education problems. IJIAPE published 4 issues per year, in March, June, September and December.
As of 2022, IJIAPE publishes articles only in English.
IJIAPE publishes original research articles, review articles, and short communications type manuscripts.
Research articles (Original Articles) report substantial and original scientific results within the journal's scope. Generally, these are expected to be between 8 and 16 journal pages, which have appropriate figures and/or tables, references and an abstract of 100–200 words.
Review articles summarize the status of knowledge and outline future directions of research within the journal scope. These articles do not have an expected page limit or maximum number of references. They should include appropriate figures and/or tables and an abstract of 100–200 words. The manuscript title must start with "Review article:".
Short communications are timely, peer-reviewed and short (2–4 journal pages) manuscripts. These may be used to report new developments, significant advances, and novel aspects of experimental and theoretical methods and techniques which are relevant for scientific investigations within the journal scope. Short communications have a maximum of three figures and/or tables, and an abstract length not exceeding 100 words. The manuscript title must start with "Short communication:".
Pen Academic gives utmost importance to the peer review process. All submissions will be reviewed initially by the editors for appropriateness to IJIAPE. If the editor considers the manuscript to be appropriate, it will then double blind peer reviewed by independent, anonymous expert referees. The reviewers do not know each other or the authors of the manuscript thanks to the blind peer review, and authors do not know anything about the identity of the reviewers. After the peer review process, the editor decides on the acceptance or rejection of the manuscript in the light of the reviewer reports. If manuscript requires major or minor revision, peer review process is re-operated. The referee process takes between 1-3 months on average from the date of article submission.
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Publication Ethics: IJIAPE subscribe to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and ICMJE (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors). IJIAPE adheres strictly to the COPE guidelines on good publishing practice, and follows procedures set out in the COPE flowcharts while handling the cases of suspected misconduct.
Plagiarism Policy: IJIAPE is a member of Crossref Similarity Check. Submissions are selected at random and screened for plagiarism prior to review. Manuscripts with higher than 20% rates of similarity will not be published.
All manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the form and style as outlined in the American Psychological Association Publication Manual (6th ed.).
Your manuscript should be compiled in the following order:
This file should include title, author’s information and additional information. This file must be uploaded in "Cover page file" type.
Authors Information: Full names and affiliation of all authors of a manuscript should take placeon the cover page file. This document should also include, manuscript title and for each author, name, department, institutional affiliation, mailing address, telephone number, e-mail address, ORDIC number and a brief biographical statement. One author should be identified as the corresponding author.
Be sure to include your ORCiD in the authors information. The authors of the journals scanned in TRDizin, must have ORCiD. Click to get information about ORCiD or to get a new ORCiD.
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This file should have title, abstract, keywords; main text introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion; acknowledgments; declaration of interest statement; references and appendices (as appropriate). Author information should not be included in this file. This file must be uploaded in "Full text file" type.
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The title page should contain title, an abstract of 200 to 400 words and keywords of 4 to 8 words. Normally, manuscripts should not exceed 30 pages/ no more than 10000 words (1.5 line spaced), including tables, figures, and references.
Times New Roman, 12-point, 1.5 line spaced. Use margins of at top and bottom 3 cm / right and left 2,5 cm.
Use bold for your manuscript title, 14-point, with an initial capital letter for any proper nouns. If the manuscript is Turkish, it must also be written in English.
Abstract should be between of 200 to 400 words. If the manuscript is Turkish, it must also be written in English. Please note that abstract should be indented, single-line spaced and font size should be 10 point size.
Keywords section will help readers find your manuscript. Please enter keywords between 4 to 8 words. Make sure the keywords are compatible with the content of your manuscript.
Please indicate the level of the section headings in your article:
First-level headings (e.g. Introduction, Method and Material, Conclusion) should be in bold, center align and first letter uppercase.
Second-level headings should be in bold and left align.
Third-level headings should be in italics, bold and left align.
Fourth-level headings should be in bold italics, at the beginning of a paragraph. The text follows immediately after a full stop (full point) or any other punctuation mark.
Fifth-level headings should be in italics, at the beginning of a paragraph. The text follows immediately after a full stop (full point) or any other punctuation mark.
Tables should present new information rather than duplicating what is in the text. Readers should be able to interpret the table without reference to the text. Please supply editable files.
Tables should be in the full text. Table headings should be given in accordance with APA. The table bibliography should be given just below the table. The symbols in the table should be explained just below the table.
Make the tables appear as a whole. If necessary, insert the table in a new page to keep it a whole.
In the case of the third party tables, pay attention to obtain the necessary permits and follow the ethical rules.
Figures should be of high quality and scalable. Figures should be supplied in one of preferred file formats: PNG, JPEG or Microsoft Word (DOC or DOCX).
Figures should be in the full text file. Figure title should be given in accordance with APA, just below the figure. The figure bibliography should also be given just below the figure.
Make the figures appear as a whole. If necessary, include the figure starting from the new page.
In the case of the third party figures, pay attention to obtain the necessary permits and follow the ethical rules.
Equations should be editable format instead of picture.
Please supply all details required by your funding and grant-awarding bodies as follows:
Acknowledgement: This study was supported by [Funding Agency] under Grant [Funding Number].
A potential conflict of interest may arise from financial relationships, personal relationships or competition, academic competition, or differences in ideologies or beliefs. They can be personal, commercial, political, academic or financial. As an author, you will have to submit a statement ensuring that:
1. Any financial support you receive (fund, donation, sponsorship) is approved.
2. A commercial or financial relationship with potential for a conflict of interest is described in the cover letter.
3. You have not signed an agreement with your sponsor that will make the results of your research biased in any way.
4. There is no conflict of interest between the authors of the article.
If you think there is any potential conflict of interest, please describe it in the cover file.
For example;
Disclosure statement: In accordance with conflict of interest policy and my ethical obligation as a researcher, I am reporting that ………….. may be affected by the research reported in the enclosed paper. I have disclosed these interests fully to journal, and I have in place an approved plan for managing any potential conflicts.
If there is no disclosure of any conflict of interest, we will publish the following statement: "No potential conflict of interest was declared by the authors".
Please use APA References Style or NLM References Style when preparing your manuscript. Click for APA Format Citation Guide or NLM Format Citation Guide
Please supply a short biographical note (education and career information) not exceeding 200 words, for each author.
All process -submission, peer-review, and revision- is carried out by e-Journal Management System. If you haven't submitted a manuscript to this journal before, you will need to create an account in E-journal Management System.
Don't forget to add ORCiDs to your Ejournal account. ORCiDs is extremely important for the publisher to access detailed author data.
Click for Submit Manuscript |
Authors are requested to send revised manuscript and their response letter within 7-10 days to accelerate further pre-publication formalities. If extra time is required, please inform us urgently.
Revised manuscript
Authors are requested to submit the revised paper with highlighted all the corrections in yellow colour. This file must be uploaded in "Full text file" type.
Authors’ response letter
Authors should write their feedback for each review comments in a separate letter and send back all the filled forms to us along with corrected revised paper. We are very much reluctant to go against suggestions (particularly on technical areas) of the reviewers. Therefore, authors are requested to treat the suggestions of reviewers with utmost importance. This file must be uploaded in "Response letter file" type. Please use below format for your feedback;
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There are no submission fees, publication fees or page charges for this journal.
Copyright allows you to protect your original material, and stop others from using your work without your permission.
IJIAPE is a open access journal and adapts "Creative commons Attribution 4.0 International CC BY-NC-ND”. All accepted manuscripts authors should sign "Copyright Transfer Agreement". All rights of the published manuscripts belong to the related journal and cannot be used without permission. The authors agree to disseminate and use their manuscripts through the journal's website.
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This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that makes research freely available to the public and supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. IJIAPE supports The Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). Click here for more information about the open access policy.