International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education
Abbreviation: IJIAPE | ISSN (Print): 2602-4780 | ISSN (Online): 2602-4489 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape

Original article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education 2024, Vol. 8(1) 1-24

Perspectives of Classroom Teacher Candidates on the Contribution of Art Readings to Intellectual Identity Development in Children: A Case Study

Sibel Begeç

pp. 1 - 24   |  DOI:

Published online: March 31, 2024  |   Number of Views: 68  |  Number of Download: 105


This study draws attention to the use of "Painting Readings" in the education of young children through art and emphasizes its importance in acquiring intellectual identity. Intellectual identity refers to an individual's sense of self in relation to intellectual pursuits such as knowledge acquisition, critical thinking, and creative expression. It is shaped by the experiences and influences a person has throughout their life, including early childhood. Overall, painting readings can provide a rich and engaging learning experience for young children, while creating potential for deepening visual memory and acquiring intellectual identity. By establishing connections between different works of art, it can help them develop critical thinking skills, become more creative and expressive individuals, contribute to their multi-cultural development, and help them develop the desire to learn more. In terms of identity acquisition, the child's developmental primary education period is of decisive importance. At this point, teachers are the people who can influence this process. Therefore, the perspectives of classroom teacher candidates on this issue are important.

The purpose of this study is to determine the perspectives of prospective primary school teachers regarding the importance of Painting Readings in terms of visual art education. Case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was applied in the study. The data of the research was collected through a survey applied to 26 Classroom Teacher candidates taking the 4th Grade Visual Arts Course. The data was analyzed using content analysis, one of the qualitative data analysis methods. An attempt was made to answer the following questions with the data received from pre-service teacher: What are the perspectives of classroom teacher candidates regarding the use of picture readings? What kind of learning experience do painting readings provide to the child in acquiring an intellectual identity through art education? How does painting reading contribute to children's intellectual identity acquisition? In the study, prospective teachers saw Picture Reading activities as an important resource in teaching visual arts and emphasized that they should be used as an effective method in the education of children.

Keywords: Memory , Painting Readings , Intellectual Identity , Art Education

How to Cite this Article

APA 6th edition
Begec, S. (2024). Perspectives of Classroom Teacher Candidates on the Contribution of Art Readings to Intellectual Identity Development in Children: A Case Study . International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education, 8(1), 1-24. doi: 10.29329/ijiape.2024.662.1

Begec, S. (2024). Perspectives of Classroom Teacher Candidates on the Contribution of Art Readings to Intellectual Identity Development in Children: A Case Study . International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education, 8(1), pp. 1-24.

Chicago 16th edition
Begec, Sibel (2024). "Perspectives of Classroom Teacher Candidates on the Contribution of Art Readings to Intellectual Identity Development in Children: A Case Study ". International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education 8 (1):1-24. doi:10.29329/ijiape.2024.662.1.

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