International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education
Abbreviation: IJIAPE | ISSN (Print): 2602-4780 | ISSN (Online): 2602-4489 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape

Volume 8 Issue 1 (March 2024)

Issue Information

Issue Information | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 8 (1)
Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2024.662



Original Articles

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 8 (1)
Perspectives of Classroom Teacher Candidates on the Contribution of Art Readings to Intellectual Identity Development in Children: A Case Study

Sibel Begeç

pp. 1 - 24   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2024.662.1


This study draws attention to the use of "Painting Readings" in the education of young children through art and emphasizes its importance in acquiring intellectual identity. Intellectual identity refers to an individual's sense of self in relation to intellectual pursuits such as knowledge acquisition, critical thinking, and creative expression. It is shaped by the experiences and influences a person has throughout their life, including early childhood. Overall, painting readings can provide a rich and engaging learning experience for young children, while creating potential for deepening visual memory and acquiring intellectual identity. By establishing connections between different works of art, it can help them develop critical thinking skills, become more creative and expressive individuals, contribute to their multi-cultural development, and help them develop the desire to learn more. In terms of identity acquisition, the child's developmental primary education period is of decisive importance. At this point, teachers are the people who can influence this process. Therefore, the perspectives of classroom teacher candidates on this issue are important.

The purpose of this study is to determine the perspectives of prospective primary school teachers regarding the importance of Painting Readings in terms of visual art education. Case study design, one of the qualitative research methods, was applied in the study. The data of the research was collected through a survey applied to 26 Classroom Teacher candidates taking the 4th Grade Visual Arts Course. The data was analyzed using content analysis, one of the qualitative data analysis methods. An attempt was made to answer the following questions with the data received from pre-service teacher: What are the perspectives of classroom teacher candidates regarding the use of picture readings? What kind of learning experience do painting readings provide to the child in acquiring an intellectual identity through art education? How does painting reading contribute to children's intellectual identity acquisition? In the study, prospective teachers saw Picture Reading activities as an important resource in teaching visual arts and emphasized that they should be used as an effective method in the education of children.

Keywords: Memory , Painting Readings , Intellectual Identity , Art Education

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 8 (1)
Examining the Relationship between Substance Use and Test Anxiety among Students in a Public University in Nigeria

Obaro Efficiency Omreore & Joshua Ojaide

pp. 25 - 36   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2024.662.2


Substance use and test anxiety are two phenomena critical to the academic achievement and well-being of university students, however, few studies exist examining the relationship between both. Extant literature suggests that students use substances to cope with test anxiety but reciprocal causality also suggests substance use may also result in test anxiety. Consequently, this study examined the effect of substance use on test anxiety among university students. Two hundred and eighty-six undergraduate students participated in the study. The inclusion criterion was having an upcoming test in at least two weeks. The Drug Abuse Screening Test (DAST-10) and Westside Test Anxiety Scale were used to obtain data on students’ substance use and test anxiety. Results showed a positive association between substance use and test anxiety. Also, no gender difference was found in substance use and test anxiety. Recommendations offered include interventions aimed at reducing test anxiety, skills training to enhance coping and academic self-efficacy and the inclusion of the latter in future studies examining the relationship between the study’s variables.

Keywords: Substance use, Test anxiety, Young adults, Gender, Undergraduate students

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 8 (1)
Primary and Elementary School Students' Profiles of Scientist Images

Emre Savaş & Murat Gündüz

pp. 37 - 50   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2024.662.3


It is thought that students' images of scientists based on the expectation that they work like scientists are directly or indirectly affected by various features in the learning process. Affective characteristics such as motivation and interest in science teaching process are some of them. While positive views may contribute to the increase in the desire to learn science and science and the development of science in the following period, negative views may create resistance to science and science learning with the opposite effect. Based on this, the aim of this study was to determine the scientist images of primary school 3rd grade and middle school 6th grade students and to determine whether there are differences between these groups in terms of drawings. Accordingly, 28 3rd grade students from a primary school in the South Marmara region and 28 6th grade students from a middle school were used as the sample. These students were instructed "Can you draw a scientist at work?" and they were expected to complete the picture without any intervention. In addition, 12 students were asked open-ended questions on a form about the scientist's field of study, appearance and what he/she was dealing with. The data obtained from the drawings were analyzed through DAST- m, while the data obtained through the form were analyzed in the computer environment. As a result of the study, it was found that students in both groups had traditional profile drawings. Accordingly, it was found that traditional images were defined as a man dealing with chemical materials and the sky, alone, working indoors, experimenting or working around a desk. In this framework, various suggestions were made.

Keywords: Science Literacy, Science teaching, Draw A Science Test (DAST)

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 8 (1)
Student Experiences on the Use of Artificial Intelligence-Based Chatbots in Programming Education

Ayfer Alper & Ayşe Tekin

pp. 51 - 69   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2024.662.4


The aim of the study is to examine student opinions about the artificial intelligence-based chatbot developed to support programming learning. For this purpose, a case study from qualitative research methods was used. The study group consisted of 42 6th grade students attending a public school in Keçiören district of Ankara province. In order to obtain opinions on the use of the chatbot, a form consisting of open-ended questions was developed by the researcher and sent to the participants via Google Forms, and the opinions of the participants were obtained with the questions in the form. Descriptive analysis technique was used to analyze the qualitative data obtained.

While analyzing the students' answers, the frequency of occurrence of codes and their relationship with each other were examined. Repetitive expressions were grouped under appropriate codes, and necessary interpretations were made according to the intensity of these groupings. When the students were asked how they did their activities, it was seen that most of them did it by asking the chatbot, reached the desired result, did not have much difficulty, the chatbot facilitated their work, directed their questions whenever they needed, understood the answers given, and that the students thought it was effective for them to learn by asking questions and discovering themselves with the answers given to the questions. In addition to positive opinions about the environment such as "excellent, beautiful, good, enjoyable, fun, useful, interesting, conveys information to us accurately, we learn what we do not know without needing anyone, it is a very good explanatory and really useful environment, we learn things we cannot do from there, it is useful, facilitating, very useful for those who want to learn coding", negative features such as "it responds according to the old version of the coding environment and it is difficult to understand some answers" were also mentioned, although very few in number.

Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Chatbots, Programming Education

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 8 (1)
School Administrators' Perceptions of Competency in Managing Change

Şemsi Yumuşak & Adil Çoruk

pp. 70 - 85   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2024.662.5


The purpose of this research is to reveal the competence perceptions of school administrators working in public schools at the basic education level (primary and secondary school) in Çanakkale in the 2021-2022 academic year. Since the research describes an existing situation, it is organized as a "relational screening model". The population of the research consists of a total of 198 school administrators working in public schools at the basic education level in Çanakkale. Since all schools at basic education levels (primary school, secondary school) in Çanakkale province can be reached, sampling was not used in the research. In the study, the "Change Management Competencies Scale of Primary School Administrators" developed by Ak (2006) was used as a data collection tool. All data obtained as a result of the research were analyzed through SPSS 26.0 program and while analyzing the data; Percentage, mean, t-test, frequency one-way analysis of variance (One-Way ANOVA) calculations were used. Research findings show that school principals' perceptions of competence in managing change are largely sufficient in all dimensions. Research findings show that school principals consider themselves largely competent in all dimensions of their perception of competence in managing change. While school principals' perceptions of competence in managing change create a significant difference according to the gender variable, it does not show a significant difference according to the variables of years of service and the number of teachers in the school they work in. Since there is no program to train school administrators in our country, the findings of the research can serve as a source for future studies in this direction. In the study, the competencies of school administrators in managing change were found to be high, but the subject can be examined in more depth with applied action research studies.

Keywords: Self-efficacy, School administrator, Change management, Organizational change