International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education
Abbreviation: IJIAPE | ISSN (Print): 2602-4780 | ISSN (Online): 2602-4489 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape

Research article    |    Open Access
International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education 2024, Vol. 8(1) 37-50

Primary and Elementary School Students' Profiles of Scientist Images

Emre Savaş & Murat Gündüz

pp. 37 - 50   |  DOI:

Publish Date: March 31, 2024  |   Single/Total View: 52/119   |   Single/Total Download: 84/135


It is thought that students' images of scientists based on the expectation that they work like scientists are directly or indirectly affected by various features in the learning process. Affective characteristics such as motivation and interest in science teaching process are some of them. While positive views may contribute to the increase in the desire to learn science and science and the development of science in the following period, negative views may create resistance to science and science learning with the opposite effect. Based on this, the aim of this study was to determine the scientist images of primary school 3rd grade and middle school 6th grade students and to determine whether there are differences between these groups in terms of drawings. Accordingly, 28 3rd grade students from a primary school in the South Marmara region and 28 6th grade students from a middle school were used as the sample. These students were instructed 'Can you draw a scientist at work?' and they were expected to complete the picture without any intervention. In addition, 12 students were asked open-ended questions on a form about the scientist's field of study, appearance and what he/she was dealing with. The data obtained from the drawings were analyzed through DAST- m, while the data obtained through the form were analyzed in the computer environment. As a result of the study, it was found that students in both groups had traditional profile drawings. Accordingly, it was found that traditional images were defined as a man dealing with chemical materials and the sky, alone, working indoors, experimenting or working around a desk. In this framework, various suggestions were made.

Keywords: Science Literacy, Science teaching, Draw A Science Test (DAST)

How to Cite this Article?

APA 7th edition
Savas, E., & Gunduz, M. (2024). Primary and Elementary School Students' Profiles of Scientist Images. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education, 8(1), 37-50.

Savas, E. and Gunduz, M. (2024). Primary and Elementary School Students' Profiles of Scientist Images. International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education, 8(1), pp. 37-50.

Chicago 16th edition
Savas, Emre and Murat Gunduz (2024). "Primary and Elementary School Students' Profiles of Scientist Images". International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education 8 (1):37-50.

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