International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education
Abbreviation: IJIAPE | ISSN (Print): 2602-4780 | ISSN (Online): 2602-4489 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape

Volume 6 Issue 3 (September 2022)

Issue Information

Issue Information | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (3)
Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.473



Original Articles

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (3)
A Case Study: Digital Immigrant Classroom Teachers Opinions on Educational Technology

Ayşe Akdemir & Salih Zeki Genç

pp. 118 - 134   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.473.1


A digital immigrant is a person who was born in the year 1980 and before, and later became involved in the digital world. The use of rapidly developing technology in all areas of life, as well as in the field of education, has become inevitable. Today, all classroom teachers are responsible for the education of digital native students born in the age of technology. In this context, it is expected that teachers will also have the skills of using educational technologies. It is extremely important for teachers to have the skills to use technology so that they can provide the needs of their digital native students. This study examines the views of digital immigrant classroom teachers on the use of educational technologies. This study aims to make an assessment in accordance with the views of digital immigrant classroom teachers on the use of educational technologies. In the study conducted in a qualitative pattern, a semi-structured interview form was used as a data collection tool. The study group of the study consists of 34 digital immigrant classroom teachers working in 29 primary schools affiliated to the National Education Directorates of the central district of Çanakkale province. According to the findings obtained, digital immigrant classroom teachers are trying to cathing the difference between when they started their job and the technology used today, but they are having difficulty in this, the material and content for their lessons preparing the teacher's reasons for engaging and convenience using the internet, computer, mobile phone and internet use as they see they see the source of the often harmful and textbooks suffice results have been achieved.

Keywords: Digital Migrant, Digital Native, Educational Technologies, Education, Elementary Education

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (3)
The Relationship Between Pre-service Teachers’ University Preferences and the Sense of Belonging at the University

Emine Merve Uslu & Fatih Mutlu Özbilen

pp. 135 - 156   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.473.2


The study was carried out in order to determine the university preferences of pre-service teacher and their level of belonging to the university, and to reveal the relationship between them. The “Preferring University Scale” developed by Apaydın and Seçkin-Kapucu (2017) was used to determine the reasons for pre-service teachers’ university preference, and the “Scale of Belonging to the University” developed by Kahraman (2013) to determine the level of belonging to the university.The level of pre-service teachers’ preference for university; While informing about the university, job opportunities, geographical location, financial opportunities, close acquaintances, educational material, students studying at the university are considered within the scope of the effect of high school education; students' university affiliation; were examined within the scope of expectation, motivation, and identification dimensions.Data were obtained from 271 pre-service teachers studying at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Faculty of Education. The data obtained from the pre-service teachers were analyzed with the SPSS-23 program, t-Test, ANOVA tests and correlation analysis were used in the data analysis. When the results of the research were evaluated, it was determined that the mean scores of pre-service teachers regarding the level of preference and belonging to the university were at a moderate level. It was determined that the levels of pre-service teachers' preference and belonging to the university differed significantly according to the variables of gender, university department, reasons for choosing the university, place of residence, and the type of high school they graduated from. It has been determined that there is a moderate relationship between the reasons why pre-service teachers prefer the university and the level of belonging to the university.

Keywords: University Preference, Pre-service Teacher, University Belonging

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (3)
Occupational Cynicism According to the Opinions of Teachers

Beli̇s Feyza Güllü & Adil Çoruk

pp. 157 - 172   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.473.3


Cynicism, which is defined as the critical and insulting attitudes towards life, people and institutions depending on the negative experiences and feelings of the people, can be exhibited by the employees in the organizations. Cynicism consists of individual and organizational dimensions. Occupational cynicism is a type of organizational cynicism and can be expressed as emotional fatigue, disregard for the profession, thinking that the profession is overwhelming, not rewarding, not worth for the effort, having a negative perspective, attitude and feelings towards one's profession. It is the reflection of these attitudes and feelings critically. Emotions, attitudes and behaviors of teachers towards their profession can positively or negatively affect the climate of the educational organizations they are in, and therefore the educational outcomes. In the literature, there are studies on organizational cynicism for teachers. However, studies examining teachers' perceptions of occupational cynicism seem to be limited. Therefore, it can be said that examining teachers’ opinions towards occupational cynicism is important. For this reason, the purpose of this study is to examine teachers' opinions of cynicism towards their profession. The study was designed with phenomenology, one of the qualitative research methods, and maximum variation sampling method was used to determine the study group. The study group consists of teachers working in public schools. The data were obtained by collecting with a semi-structured interview form. Descriptive analysis of the obtained data was made. The study was evaluated around four main themes. These are teachers' perceptions of occupational cynicism, causes of occupational cynicism, results of occupational cynicism and precautions to reduce occupational cynicism. According to the results of the study, the attitudes and behaviors towards occupational cynicism are not worth the effort, the thought that the teaching profession is worthless, the idea that professional rights are limited, and negative attitudes and behaviors such as reluctance. The labor which is not valued enough, unnecessary workload other than education and training, financial and family problems, lack of sufficient legal basis to protect the rights of teachers, problems with students and parents, injustice and management styles within the institution are some of the main causes for occupational cynicism according to the participants. Decline the quality of the education-teaching process, internal conflicts, decrease in school commitment, psychosomatic problems, communication problems, decreased professional commitment and resignation are some of the institutional and individual consequences of occupational cynicism for participants. According to the participants, establishing justice-based education policies, encouraging professional development, strengthening school culture, participating in personal and professional development activities, changing institutions, staying away from the work environment for a short time are some of the precautions listed to reduce occupational cynicism.

Keywords: Cynicism, Occupational Cynicism, Teacher

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (3)
A Qualitative Research on the Characteristics of Senior Education Administrators

Özlem Akı & Hüseyi̇n Erkul

pp. 173 - 189   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.473.4


Today, with the effect of the globalization vision, the management systems and policies of the states have changed and continuous development has become a necessity. Education policies are also frequently reviewed in order to keep up with these developments and changes, and education systems are arranged according to these changes. Therefore, the most important question is; “How can we manage the education system more effectively?” is in the form.

In this process, where international competition has increased, national borders have virtually disappeared and education has become global, the decision-making and problem-solving roles of senior education administrators have also gained importance. The characteristics of senior education administrators who have an important role in the training of qualified manpower, are decisive both in the efficient, effective, qualified and rational use of scarce resources and in the quality of the provision of education services.

Behavioral and personal characteristics, task awareness, education, belief in science, intellectual, artistic, managerial characteristics, leadership characteristics, strategic thinking and environmental awareness of senior education administrators are an important component in the successful management of educational institutions.

In the research; it is aimed to determine the managerial characteristics of the administrators who work as senior education administrators in educational institutions and their reflection on the management process. In the research, the "descriptive method" was used, which is based on gathering the information on the subject and determining the problems and making applicable inferences for the solution of these problems. The research data were obtained by interview technique with senior education administrators, coded in accordance with the purpose of the research, interrelated data were brought together, processed in the maxqda program with content analysis and the results were interpreted and the contribution of the features that should be found in senior education administrators to adapt to changing environmental conditions and change has been examined.

Keywords: Senior Tier, Education Administrator, Training Senior Education Administrators, Senior Education Administrator Training Policies

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (3)
Investigation of the Effect of the Simulation Method on Academic Achievement in Science with 7th graders in Science Course

Taner Küçük & Mahmut Böyükata

pp. 190 - 202   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.473.5


This study aimed  to investigate the effect of the simulation method on the academic achievement of the 7th-graders in secondary school in the science course. The 'Light' unit was selected as a subject. The research was carried out with the participation of 98 students (Experiment, n = 52 and Control, n = 46)  at a secondary school in the city center of Çanakkale in the spring term of 2013-2014 academic year. It was an experimental study with the pretest-posttest control group. This study collected data with the Science Academic Achievement Test (SAAT) developed by Benli, Sarıkaya and Kayabaşı (2012). Since the validity and reliability studies of the SAAT were conducted in Çanakkale, it was recalculated and found suitable in terms of validity and reliability. In the control group, the constructivist approach was employed while in the experimental group, the simulation method was implemented. The pretest results showed no significant differences between the experimental and control groups in terms of academic achievement. When the SAAT posttest scores of the students in both groups, that is, in the control and experimental groups, were examined, the average score in favor of the experimental group was found to be higher. At the end of the study, when the SAAT posttest scores of the students in both groups were examined, the average score in favor of the experimental group was found to be higher.

Keywords: Academic Achievement, Simulation Method, Constructivist Approach, Pretest-Posttest with Control Group