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International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (4)
Issue Information
pp. i - vi | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.503 Abstract Keywords:
| Original Articles
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International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (4)
Self-Efficacy, Motivation and Academic Performance of Senior Secondary School Students in Damaturu, Metropolis, Yobe State Nigeria
Maryam Bukar Usman, Seth Javan & Abdullahi Abubakar Bagare pp. 203 - 209 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.503.1 Abstract This study examined the teacher’s self-efficacy, motivation and academic performance of senior secondary school students in Damaturu, Metropolis, Yobe State Nigeria. Two research hypotheses were raised and tasted. The study adopted a correlation research design. The study has the total population of 2,998 teachers spread across the 9 secondary schools in Damaturu Metropolis. A sample of 250 teachers were selected from six (6) senior secondary Schools in Damaturu Metropolis by using multistage sampling techniques. The study used two instruments for data collection: The teachers’ sense of efficacy scale and Students’ termly academic results. The internal consistency of the items was established to be 0.94 using Cronbach Alpha Statistical Method. Data Collected were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation at <0.05 level of significance. The results of the study indicated that, teachers’ self-efficacy was found to have significant positive influence on academic performance of students. Similarly, teachers’ motivation is significantly related with students’ academic performance of students. The researchers concluded that proper training and work on motivation of the teachers towards the teaching should be improved. As such, the study recommended that, government should enhance professional training for teachers’ welfare and teachers’ educational programmes to develop a sense self-efficacy and motivation for teachers. Keywords: Teacher’s, Self-Efficacy, Motivation and Academic Performance
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International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (4)
Compilation of “Suggestions” Section in Postgraduate Theses with Scientific Research Theme in Educational Sciences
Ömer Kırbaş, Alptürk Akçölteki̇n & Fatih Doğan pp. 210 - 234 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.503.2 Abstract This study aims to compile the suggestions in the postgraduate theses prepared with the theme of "scientific research (SR) in Turkey between 2000-2022 years. In the study, 4 sub-themes were chosen for the scientific research theme; "scientific research methods (SRM)”, "scientific research processes (SRP)", "scientific consistency (SC)", and "scientific self-efficacy, (SSE)". The data were obtained from the suggestions sections of the studies conducted for the keywords obtained by so-called sub-themes at the Higher Education National Thesis Center (HENTC). The document analysis method was used in the research. A total of 40 theses including 27 master's and 13 doctoral theses were compiled and reviewed in the study. Then the findings obtained by using the MAXQDA 18 package program were mapped as the percentage (%) and frequency (F) values. In the research, theses written for 4 different groups were investigated; teachers, pre-service teachers, middle school students, and graduate students. Accordingly, the findings were arranged according to the groups and interpreted. Accordingly, in studies on teachers, it was obtained findings about the need for in-service training to be given to teachers to be more experienced in scientific research and to conduct research on a wider scale. Secondly, in studies conducted for pre-service teachers, it was determined that updates should be made to include more scientific research in the curricula for pre-service teachers. On the other hand in the studies conducted for secondary school students, it was concluded that experiments and laboratory activities would contribute to students' learning of scientific processes. And finally, in the studies on graduate students, it was determined that there was a consensus that the hours and subjects of scientific research courses should be increased. Keywords: Document Analysis, Scientific Research, Suggestions, Self-efficacy
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International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (4)
Evaluation of Teacher Appointment and Relocation Principles in the Perspective of Current Regulations: An Example of Apology/Excuse Group Appointment
Davut Atmaca pp. 235 - 248 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.503.3 Abstract In recent years, the demands of teachers working in public institutions affiliated to the Ministry of National Education to assign excuses have become quite controversial. It is seen that the procedures and principles regarding ensuring the family integrity of teachers come to the fore, especially in the intra-provincial appointments of disabled groups. In this context, the aim of the research is to propose solutions to the problems experienced by systematically revealing the principles of apology determination of teachers working in the public sector. Case study, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. According to the results of the research, teachers who choose in the second stage of the provincial disability group assignment are faced with the warning "There is no vacant quota in your field". The appointment of teachers who are more than the norm staff before the appointment of excuses causes the teachers who request to assign excuses to experience grievances. In particular, the demands of the teachers to make excuses within the province cannot be met by the administration due to the insufficient number of service points and the limited quota. In recent years, the Ministry of National Education has been applying a "provincial order" for excuse assignments made outside the province. The fact that contracted teachers do not apply for an excuse assignment before completing three years creates grievances. Not counting the lack of education among the excuses prevents teachers from receiving postgraduate education. Accordingly, it is thought that introducing a "neighborhood order" for teachers who have been working in the same province for six years or more will prevent congestion in appointments. In the appointment of the provincial apology, all districts within the province should be opened under the pretext of family unity. Keywords: Apology Group Assignment, Teacher, MEB, Regulation, District Order
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International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (4)
Assessment of Guidance and Counselling Services in Public Senior Secondary Schools in Gashua Educational Zone in Yobe State, Nigeria
Usman Mohammed Dakasku & Umar Bah pp. 249 - 270 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.503.4 Abstract This research was on assessement of guidance and counselling services in public senior secondary schools in Gashua Education Zone. The researchers employ the use of survey research design for the study. The target population of the study was 378 teachers with a sample of 186 respondents in six selected public senior secondary schools (three schools drawn from rural and three from urban area) using stratified and simple random sampling technique. Two hypotheses are tested. A self-designed questionnaire named “Assessment of Guidance and Counselling Services Questionnaire (AGCSQ)” with a reliability chronbach’s coefficient of .72 was use for data collection. Data collected for the research was analysed using t-test for independent sample to the test the research hypotheses. The study shows that a significant difference was found between the view of male and female teachers in respect to offering of guidance services (counselling, orientation, information, referral, and follow-up services). With regard to offering of appraisal and placement services it shows that there was no significant difference in the view of male and female teachers in public senior secondary schools in Gashua Education Zone. Furthermore, the findings indicated a significant difference in school location with regard to offering of guidance services (counselling, orientation, information, appraisal, and placement services) and with regard to offering of referral and follow-up services it indicated that no significant difference in school location in public senior secondary schools in Gashua Education Zone was found. From the findings, it is recommended that there is a need for public senior secondary schools to offer counselling service, appraisal service, placement service, referral service and follow-up service to assist students in making a wise decision. This decision include; educational plan, career choice of interest and personal social adjustment. Similarly,orientation service should be improved to assist students on how to participate in sport exercise like football. It is also recommended that information service should be improved to assist students toward educational development and career choices of interest in all public senior secondary schools in Gashua Education Zone be it in rural or urban schools. Keywords: Guidance and Counselling, Servives, Public, Gender, Rural and Urban
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International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (4)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) From The Perspective of the Children 60-72 Months
Hicran Alkan, Nur Akcanca & Sedef Göltaş pp. 271 - 281 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.503.5 Abstract The aim of the study is determined as to reveal the cognitive structures of 60-72 months old children regarding the coronavirus. The case study method was used to conduct this study, which involved 16 pre-school students aged 60 to 72 months in early childhood. The content analysis method was used to examine the data obtained from the drawings created by children and their perspectives on the impact of coronavirus on our lives. The findings, in the form of codes for color, figure, drawing tempo, and picture placement on paper, were grouped under the theme of children's sentiments and thoughts regarding the coronavirus. As a result of the study, it was seen that the children had feelings of anxiety, danger, and death related to the coronavirus, as well as the need for security and love. In addition, all of the children's depictions of the virus with figures with circles and limbs are not based on scientific knowledge/description of preschool children; it suggests that children are affected by environmental awareness such as social media, family and school. It is recommended to conduct different studies in which the causes of negative thoughts in the cognitive architecture of children revealed in this research are investigated in the context of the social environment. Keywords: COVID-19, Coronavirus, Pandemic, 60-72 months old children
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International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 6 (4)
Foreign Language Aptitude Examined in relation to Implicit and Explicit Grammar Instruction
Özgür Çelik pp. 282 - 295 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2022.503.6 Abstract Language aptitude (LA) is one of the primary individual differences with which the language learning ability of learners can be foreseen. This quasi-experimental study aims to contribute to the LA literature by investigating the role of LA in explicit and implicit grammar instruction. To do so, LLAMA_D aptitude test was administered to 133 participants, and from this cohort group, four subgroups were formed. A one-session course was designed and delivered to participants with a pre and post-test. The results indicated that there is a significant correlation between implicit instruction and the LA level of the participants. However, based on the Pearson Correlation results, it can be concluded that LA is a stronger determinant in the achievement of learners than the type of instruction. It can be suggested, therefore, that taking LA level into consideration before planning implicit or explicit instruction would contribute to the effectiveness of the instruction. Keywords: Language Aptitude, Implicit Instruction, Explicit Instruction, LLAMA Aptitude Tests |