International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education
Abbreviation: IJIAPE | ISSN (Print): 2602-4780 | ISSN (Online): 2602-4489 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape

Volume 7 Issue 1 (March 2023)

Issue Information

Issue Information | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 7 (1)
Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2023.540



Original Articles

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 7 (1)
Student Views on the Use of Web 2.0 Tools in Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language: Example of Wordwall Application

Melek Kalin-Sali, Tülay Dargut Güler & Mesout Kalin-Sali

pp. 1 - 14   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2023.540.1


The aim of this study is to examine the students' views on this process by using the Wordwall application, which is one of the Web 2.0 tools, in order to support the process of teaching Turkish as a foreign language. For this purpose, a case study, one of the qualitative research methods, was determined as a research method. The participants of the research are 12 volunteer students studying at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University Turkish and Foreign Language Teaching Application and Research Center (COMU TOMER) in the 2021-2022 academic year. Within the scope of the research, one of the in-class activities was carried out with the Wordwall application during the 11-week education period of the students, including both B2 and C1 levels. The researcher who carried out the application applied at least 3 of the wordwall activities, which were arranged to create a competitive environment for grammar topics and vocabulary teaching, in the classroom environment every week. At the end of the research, it was seen that the students found the Wordwall application very useful in line with the interview data collected from the students. It has been concluded that the application contributes to the learning of Turkish words, even makes it easier to understand the different meanings of words, supports permanent learning, and facilitates learning grammar with the opportunity to practice. Students stated that they could both reinforce what they learned individually and work more interactively and collaboratively by discussing with their friends. Although the application was found to be quite fun, interesting and exciting by the students, it was stated as a disadvantage that its use required the internet.

Keywords: Web 2.0 tools, Wordwall, Foreign language lerning, Teaching Turkish, Teaching Turkish as a Foreign Language

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 7 (1)
Innovative Instructional Tools in Vocabulary and Grammar Teaching

Kübra Şık & Salim Razı

pp. 15 - 27   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2023.540.2


Rise of technological tools and the COVID-19 pandemic, technology has become an important part of daily life, including teaching and learning activities. The use of innovative tools in teaching grammar and vocabulary has been a controversial issue for a long time. The urgent need for such instructional tools has made it a significant part of language learning classes. Regarding these needs, the study focused on innovative instructional grammar and vocabulary teaching tools in English language teaching settings. The study's main purpose was to investigate the differences between the setting where innovative instructional tools for grammar and vocabulary teaching were used and the setting in which only traditional methodologies were used to teach grammar and vocabulary. The study took place in a public university in Türkiye and 76 major beginner-level students participated in the study. The study was a quantitative study which has a pre-test and post-test design and a comparison of control and experimental groups. Results suggested a significant difference in vocabulary and grammar achievement between two groups.

Keywords: Innovative Tools, Technology, Vocabulary, Grammar, Language Teaching

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 7 (1)
A Study on Teachers' Perceptions of Curriculum Changes

Alper Aytaç

pp. 28 - 41   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2023.540.3


This study aims to examine teachers' perceptions of curriculum change in terms of various variables. The sample of the study consists of 349 teachers working in a city in Turkey in the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. The convenience sampling method was used in the study sample. The Curriculum Changes Perception Scale was used in the study. In the analysis of the data, arithmetic means, standard deviation, independent t-test, one-way analysis of variance were used. According to the results of the study, the resistance levels of the teachers to the curriculum are high. According to the opinions of the teachers, the changes made in the curriculum are not reflected in the learning-teaching process efficiently. Teachers' perceptions of curriculum change do not differ significantly according to gender and professional seniority variables. Teachers' perceptions of changes in the curriculum differ significantly according to the location of the school where they work. Accordingly, it was determined that teachers working in rural areas showed more resistance to the changes in the curriculum. Teachers' perceptions of curriculum change differ significantly according to the type of school they work in. Accordingly, it was determined that teachers working in primary and secondary schools showed more resistance to the changes in the curriculum. Various suggestions have been presented in the context of the results of this study.

Keywords: Teachers, Currciculum, Change