International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education
Abbreviation: IJIAPE | ISSN (Print): 2602-4780 | ISSN (Online): 2602-4489 | DOI: 10.29329/ijiape

Volume 7 Issue 3 (September 2023)

Issue Information

Issue Information | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 7 (3)
Issue Information

pp. i - vi   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2023.605



Original Articles

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 7 (3)
Targeting Motivation for Primary School Teachers in Saudi Arabia

Çağla Gür & Eman Bin Halabi

pp. 91 - 113   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2023.605.1


The aim of the research is to examine the views of teachers working in primary schools in Saudi Arabia (Jeddah) on motivation strategies used in their work environments by their administrators. Phenomenology design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used for the research carried out. Purposeful sampling was used in this study. The data were obtained as a result of face to face interviews with 25 teachers. Content analysis and descriptive analysis were used to analyze the data in the study.On examining the teacher views on the strategies used by their administrators to increase teacher motivation, it was seen that that the opinions could be handled within the scope of Maslow's hierarchy of needs.  For teacher views on how they are affected by the strategies implemented for motivation, it was seen that there were answers related to both motivation and suprizingly lack of motivation. While answers on effective strategies pointed out productivity, answers on ineffective strategies emphasized loss of motivation and burn out.  On evaluating the view’s on teachers’ expectations and needs to be motivated in the context of more productive work, it was found that there were answers related to professional expectations and needs, and personal expectations and needs. Professional expectations and needs sub-title had three codes which were team spirit, professional development and adequate resources. Personal expectations and needs sub-theme had two codes which were private time and appreciation.  Private time code indicated considering family aspects. The results indicated a set of criteria that should be available when designing and applying teacher incentives. Based on the results obtained from the research, it can be suggested that the administrators can use effective communication strategies and receive in-service training to improve themselves.

Keywords: Administrators, Motivation strategies, Teachers, Primary Schools

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 7 (3)
Evaluation of Family Relations in Custody Cases: Adapting The Structured Assessment Form for Children to Turkish Culture

Ceren Baydemir & Ercan Kocayörük

pp. 114 - 136   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2023.605.2


The main goal of the study was to adapt the Structured Child Assessment Tool for Family Relationships (SCARF) developed by Strachan et al. (2010) to Turkish culture and to develop an assessment tool for the evaluators working in custody cases to make a standardized assessment in child interviews. The study involved 130 children between the ages of 4 and 14 who were included in custody cases. For the reliability of the assessment tool, Cronbach's Alpha coefficients were computed for dimensions and sub-dimensions by age and examined with the test-retest method. For construct validity, Spearman Correlation Analysis was conducted for the correlation between the scores given by the child and the evaluator to the parents. Independent samples t-test was applied to specify whether there was a statistically significant difference between the scores given by children to their parents. In the research, a significant positive relationship was established in the scores given to the mother in both assessment tools for construct validity. In the scores given to the father, a significant relationship was found in all dimensions except Negative Parenting and Co-Parenting (p<0.01). The comparison of the scores given by the child to the parents did not reveal any significant difference between the scores of the mother and father in all dimensions and sub-dimensions (p>0.05). As a consequence, it was established that the SCARF is a valid, reliable, and appropriate assessment tool for Turkish culture that can be used by the evaluator in child with custody cases.

Keywords: Divorce, Custody, Child custody, Evaluator, Family relationships

Research article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 7 (3)
Transmission of the Values of Solidarity and Unity in Turkish Societal Culture to Corporate Cultural Structure Through Gamification

İlhan Ören

pp. 137 - 151   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2023.605.3


Throughout the history of ancient humanity, culture has always been the most essential means of transmitting outcomes from one generation to another. In all societal transitions, culture, which plays a facilitating role in the sustainability of societies, has undergone transformation in accordance with the trajectory of the context in the rapidly evolving world.

In a globalized world, while there might be boundaries between countries, the boundaries in human interactions have largely dissolved. The evolution of trade systems to global scales has led to the movement of institutions beyond their geographical confines, contributing to the acceleration of cultural diffusion.

The most significant impact of cultural diffusion in the commercial sphere is observed on organizational cultures. For global companies, it is of utmost importance to accurately analyze the core values of the societal culture at the center of their corporate culture and structure, and to build upon these values for adaptation, stability, and resilience. In this formation, the collective values inherent in the spirit of solidarity and unity in Turkish societal culture should be fundamentally positioned. In the context of the corporate environment, gamification techniques are employed to facilitate the transmission of relevant values, using modeled experiential learning educational approaches.

Keywords: Cultural Identity, Organizational Culture, Team Solidarity, Team Spirit, Gamification, Experiential Learning

Review Articles

Review article | International Journal of Innovative Approaches in Education Vol. 7 (3)
Thematization of University: A Quest for Establishing Agricultural Universities

Seval Bircan Yılmaz Yıldız & Ercan Kiraz

pp. 152 - 165   |  DOI: 10.29329/ijiape.2023.605.4


Turkish higher education system with 209 universities, today, and many more on the horizon, demonstrates enormous quantitative development. During the last three decades, no city without a university approach resulted in a burgeoning higher education movement. Whether private or public this exponential effort to replenish cities with universities may be considered a positive impact. However, the positive impact of this numeric expansion remains a question to be investigated. This article does not just discuss positive or negative effects of establishing the very same style of universities in every neighboring city but concentrates on the ideas of a thematic university approach. Hence, instead of duplicating homothetic city universities, tendencies towards structuring specific sectoral universities may be a more efficient way of allocating resources accurately. Agriculture, for example, is one of the sectors that deserves free-standing universities.

Keywords: Thematic Universities, Agricultural Universities, Alternative Higher Education